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7 5 T H   C E D A R B R A T I O N

Join us for our anniversary weekend as we "CEDARBRATE" 75 years of ministry together! We have many reasons to celebrate what God has done as well as what He has in store for the years to come. Whether you have been a camper, staff member, parent, volunteer, or supporter – this weekend is open to everyone: we will have plenty of food, fun, and entertainment for the whole family. So, come celebrate with us! Because you matter to us. You are important to us. And you make camp happen!

Dates: Friday, Sep. 13 - Sunday, Sep. 15, 2024

Price: based on family size and lodging (includes meals, lodging, and activities)

Group Size Economy Standard Deluxe Deluxe Suite
Single $75 $100 SOLD OUT SOLD OUT
Family of 2 $150 $175 SOLD OUT SOLD OUT
Family of 3 $200 $225 SOLD OUT SOLD OUT
Family of 4 $250 N/A SOLD OUT SOLD OUT
Family of 5 $300 N/A SOLD OUT SOLD OUT
Family of 6+ $350 N/A SOLD OUT SOLD OUT


** Day rates start at $60 and increase $20 for each additional guest **


  • S P E A K E R
    S P E A K E R

    M A T T   N O R L E N

    Matt grew up at First Covenant Church in Omaha, NE. He studied at Northwest Missouri State for his Bachelors in Sociology & Minor in Fine Arts. He attended Central Baptist Seminary for his Master of Divinity. Matt was ordained in the Evangelical Covenant Church in 2007 and served as a lead pastor in Rhode Island, Michigan, and Nebraska. He and his wife, Immy, have been married since 2001 and have three children: Ethan, Sam, and Thomas. He is a true outdoorsman and enjoys nature, hikes, working on the yard, and camping.

  • W O R S H I P
    W O R S H I P

    K E V I N   M C C L U R E

    Kevin is a worship leader in Omaha, NE. He is married to Hailey, father to two daughters and one son, and has been part of leading worship here at camp for many summers and retreats. He looks forward to connecting with and leading people to Christ at the anniversary weekend!



F R I D A Y ,  S E P .  1 3

6:00 pm - Registration

7:00 pm - Welcome Party *

** includes campfire & s'mores, yard games, live music, and food truck **

S A T U R D A Y ,  S E P .  14

8:15 am - Breakfast

9:00 am - Day Registration

9:00 am - Morning Activities *

12:00 pm - Lunch

1:00 pm - Free Time *

6:30 pm - Picnic Supper & Fireworks

8:30 pm - Movie on the Lake

10:00 pm - Late Night Campfire

** includes hayrack rides, tower/zipline, boating, coffee truck **

S U N D A Y ,  S E P .  15

9:00 am - Sunday Morning Service

10:30 am - Brunch

11:30 am - Farewells & Departure


R E G I S T R A T I O N   C L O S E D