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R E F I N E   2 0 2 4

Being made like Christ is a refining process; in fact, it is a lifelong journey. Isaiah promises that He can make all things new through the wilderness and wastelands. Through the refining fires of our lives, God continually molds us more like Christ. So, join other sisters in Christ for a weekend at camp as we become women who are “refined” by our Creator.

Dates: Friday, Oct. 4 - Sunday, Oct. 6, 2024

Price: $175-$210 per person - includes meals, lodging and activities (price varies based on lodging)

  • S P E A K E R
    S P E A K E R

    E M I L Y   T A Y L O R

    Emily Taylor has called Omaha, NE home for over 20 years, and she does life adventuring with her entrepreneur husband Brandon, of 17 years, and their 3 children: Roman, Cruz and Mila. Most of her time is spent collaboratively schooling her kids, but with a deep conviction that an eternal perspective changes everything, she also speaks, writes, and recently published: “Firmly Planted, Facing 5 Challenges of Mom Life.” You can read more from Emily on her blog at

  • W O R S H I P
    W O R S H I P

    M A L I   R O S E   &   S A R A H   J A N E

    Sarah Jane and Malachi are mother-daughter worship leaders from Omaha, NE. Sarah is a wife to Willy, a Citylight worship pastor, and a mother of six. Malachi is newly married to Dale and a Psychology student pursuing a future in counseling. They love to create an atmosphere of intimate worship where people can encounter God’s presence and give Him glory.


F R I D A Y ,  O C T .  4

6:30 pm - Registration

7:30 pm - Bites & Bevs

8:30 pm - Session 1

S A T U R D A Y ,  O C T .  5

7:00 am - Sunrise Exercise (optional)

8:30 am - Breakfast

9:30 am - Session 2

11:00 am - Small Groups + Quiet Time

12:00 pm - Lunch

1:00 pm - Free Time*

6:00 pm - Picnic Supper

7:00 pm - Session 3

8:30 pm - Small Groups + Quiet Time

9:30 pm - Campfire & S'mores

**Activities: tower, boats, hammocks, classes, coffee truck, and camp store**

S U N D A Y ,  O C T .  6

8:45 am - Session 4

9:45 am - Small Groups + Quiet Time

10:30 am - Brunch

11:30 am - Closing Prayer

11:45 am - Departure