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R O O T E D   2 0 2 4

Learn what it means to be rooted in Christ! Our generation is easily defined by our relationships, careers, finances, or living the perfect life. But Colossians 2:7 tells us that our lives are to be built and strengthened in Him! So, join us as we explore what it looks like to build our lives on the things that matter. 

Price: $100-$125 per person - includes meals, lodging, sessions, and activities (note: rates vary based on lodging options)

Age(s): 18-25 years old

When: Friday, April 26 - Sunday, April 28 2024

  • S P E A K E R
    S P E A K E R

    M I K E   N U N A N

    Mike is the student life and discipleship director for Flatirons College in Colorado. He is a long time Covenant Pastor who cares deeply about this important time of life called young adulthood. He is married to his kindergarten sweetheart, Sommer. They have two girls, Tegan (9) and Evie (4). His favorite melon is honey dew, he likes Thousand island Dressing on his salads, and he only watches the Bachelor when the contestants are over 60. If you want to reach him, email him at

  • W O R S H I P
    W O R S H I P

    A V E R Y   G R A H A M

    Avery Graham, an independent artist out of Omaha, NE. He has been playing music from a young age and has loved every second of it, he is passionate about making music that is real and authentic. Phil Wickham, Brandon Lake, Will Linley and Joseph O’Brian are some of the artists that have inspired Avery’s writing style. He has been writing and producing original songs for several years. Avery is excited about the new music that he has coming out soon.


F R I D A Y ,  A P R I L  2 6

6:30 pm - Registration

8:00 pm - Session 1

9:30 pm - Welcome Party & Night Zipline

11:00 pm - Evening Worship

S A T U R D A Y ,  A P R I L  2 7

9:00 am - Breakfast

10:00 am - Session 2

11:00 am - Small Groups + Quiet Time

12:00 pm - Lunch

1:00 pm - Free Time*

6:00 pm - Supper

7:00 pm - Session 3

8:30 pm - Small Groups + Quiet Time

9:00 pm - Movie on the Lawn

*Activities include tower, coffee, tournaments, axe throwing, and breakouts

S U N D A Y ,  A P R I L  2 8

9:00 am - Breakfast

10:00 am - Session 4

11:30 am - Prayers & Departure